Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Decision Maker

I realized recently that I make a lot of decisions and then either don't act on them fully or at all. I decided the other day that I needed to figure out what was going on with a relationship I was kinda in... and so I decided to handle it a little differently.  I usually see problems in relationships and allow them to sit and fester until they are unbearable or worse yet bitch about them until my partner gives in due to exhaustion.  After my last relationship landed me in therapy I realized I needed to handle things a bit differently.  Its been 2 years, since the end of my last relationship, I will get to that in just a few more posts.... 

Anyway, I called Officer Friendly, with whom I had been in a somewhat serious blossoming relationship. I include his profession because I am wondering if profession has something to do with this.  When I called there was no answer, but I was not surprised.  Now this was not shocking because it was part of the reason I was calling.  You see, a few weeks prior I noticed that I only spoke with Officer Friendly by text message and IM.  After discussing this with him he said he had decided it was easier to manage my conversations with him by IM and text messages because, according to him, he had greater control over the flow of the conversation via Text and IM.  HUH???  That was angering!!  According to him,  I simply speak to fast for him to understand??? WTH.  (RED FLAG) At the time I can recall thinking of how many other men I had been involved in dialogue with who were fully engaged in our conversations.  I really pondered these other men at the time because I needed to make sure I was even hearing this. Well of course if this is to be long term in any fashion I will not be IM or Texting him when I want to talk in the future... and if I talk to fast now wait until you make me angry. 


Well now, he had behaved very odd in the last few weeks, in fact in the past few days I mean balmy!!!  I was very concerned about this so I wanted to inquire.  I had a feeling this was not a person who would verbalize the problems he was having with our ?relationship/friendship?  Well of course when I called there was no answer.  After the call I sent a text message which was answered within milliseconds. 

I asked for a 1 hour meeting with him and confirmed for Thursday after checking my schedule, of course he was now concerned I may want to borrow money, tell him I am pregnant, and I could have cared less.  The facts to me were as plain as the nose on my face.  

In the days following this conversation we communicated very little, so the night before I IM'd him and we confirmed.  I let him know I would be calling the next morning to set up a time... and he said ok.  Now, here goes... I called the next day NO ANSWER.... oh thats right... text message.. NO Response... Hmmm... wait around... NO Way... Sent an e-mail called a few hours later... and moved on.  Since that day there has been no word from him no response, yet he remained a friend on FaceBook and on IM, never saying anything.  So I deleted him from my Facebook!!  After several days he sent me a message... " You sure did hit that X delete button quick."  WHAT??  I should have sat there day in and day out just looking at your FB status and worrying when you would decide to respond to me.  That was the old me.  So next step you get deleted from messenger, I am not checking my text messages and I could care less what the explaination is.  I deserve better!  When he finally caught up with me again I was downright icy. He never offered an explaination and I didn't solicit.  See, it would be great to get an explaination, to pad myself and my hurt with it and make me feel better.  The fact is that I am looking for a new way to love and be loved.   I cannot bring people or attitudes with me that are from the past... and in the past doormat was my specialty.  

In the past I would have waited for him to delete me from his life, kinda half waiting for the explaination... but I can tell I have grown, changed, and maybe feel better about myself, because I allowed myself to be the decision maker, and I stepped forward to fix what I found wrong.  Why should a man be given the ability to decide if I am worthy of his attention?  Why should I wait for him to bestow his affections on me as though his were somehow more magnificent than my own.  No, the best way to quit is cold turkey... and I can kick any habit. 

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